Anti-Racism Service 4-29-10
Worship service in participation with the YWCA national Stand Against Racism, with students representing seven different denominations and opening comments by PTS Chapel Director, Sheri Curry.
Worship service in participation with the YWCA national Stand Against Racism, with students representing seven different denominations and opening comments by PTS Chapel Director, Sheri Curry.
Meinders Chapel recording from April 28th, 2010. The preacher is Scott Taylor. The biblical text to which this sermon is a response is Acts 11:1-18.
Worship in honor of Earth Day by students from the Christian Education and Youth class under the direction of Dr. Sandra Costen Kunz.
Meinders Chapel recording from April 21, 2010. The preacher is Kirstie Jeanette Garnes. The biblical texts to which this sermon is a response are Luke 7:36-47.
Chapel message offered by Rev. Dr. Richard A. Grounds, who is the Project Director for the Euchee Language Project based in Sapulpa, Oklahoma and who serves as adjunct faculty at […]
Meinders Chapel worship within a context of denominational and native prayers, responsive readings, and songs under the leadership of Rev. David Dunson, PTS student, and Rev. Glen Chebon Kernell, Jr., […]
Meinders Chapel recording from April 20th, 2010. The preacher is John Imbler. The biblical texts to which this sermon is a response are John 10:22-30.
Two stories offered by members of the Introduction to New Testament Class in the Meinders Chapel on March 9, 2010. “The Prodigal Daughter”, written by Pat Hoerth, read by Thomasina […]
Meinders Chapel recording from March 11th, 2010. The preacher is Sherri Curry. The biblical texts to which this sermon is a response are 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2.
Meinders Chapel recording from March 10th, 2010. The preacher is Linda Ford. The biblical texts to which this sermon is a response are Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32.