
On the Road Together by Gerald Davis

The Rev. Gerald Davis offers the homily during this June 27th chapel service. He is currently serving as the minister of the Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist and as […]

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Enough Already by Susanna Southard

The reflection on this final day of DMin Fortnight chapel services at Phillips Theological Seminary is offered by the Rev. Susanna Weslie Southard. Southard is the Director of Teaching with […]

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A Reflection by David Wilson by: David Wilson

The guest homilist for today’s DMin fortnight chapel service is the Rev. Dr. David M. Wilson. Dr. Wilson is currently serving as the Superintendent of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference […]

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Prequels and Sequels by John Thomas, Jr.

The Rev. Dr. John Thomas, Jr. offers the homily during this chapel service of DMin fortnight at Phillips Theological Seminary. Thomas is the the Associate Professor of Practical Theology at […]

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Grossly Unremarkable by Nancy Pittman

The Dean of the seminary, and Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Rev. Dr. Nancy Claire Pittman, offers the homily during this chapel service of DMin fortnight. Her reflection is […]

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A 21st Century Faith by Gary Peluso-Verdend

President of Phillips Theological Seminary, the Rev. Dr. Gary Peluso-Verdend, offers a message during the first day of chapel services during the June Doctor of Ministry fortnight. Dr. Peluso-Verdend’s message […]

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The God of the Living by MaryAnn Morris

This chapel service included a reflection from MaryAnn Morris, who is the Director of Admissions and Student Services at Phillips Theological Seminary. Morris is also a Phillips alumna. Her reflection […]

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The Nostalgia Trap by Nancy Claire Pittman

The Rev. Dr. Nancy Claire Pittman offers the reflection today in this final “regular” chapel service of the spring semester. Dr. Pittman is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and […]

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Religious Liberty by Ryan Kiesel

Ryan Kiesel offers this reflection on religious liberty during a chapel service at Phillips Theological Seminary. Kiesel is currently the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma. […]

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