Phillips Seminary Worship Kit, Summer Edition
Phillips Theological Seminary is providing churches worshipping in-person and online an opportunity to take a break from the weekly creation of worship by providing a ready-to-stream, downloadable service.
The seminary has created the complete digital service as a summer gift to pastors, congregational leaders and musicians needing a vacation.

“The Advancement Office staff felt that our friends and colleagues across the nation might need a summer break from the weekly work of crafting worship,” said Phillips Vice President of Advancement Terry Ewing. “When we shared this idea with others at the seminary, they were eager to contribute.”
Members of the Phillips community contributed to the service, with Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean Lee H. Butler, Jr. providing a sermon on Psalm 13.
In addition to offering the full service, each component of worship is available for download as its own file. This means congregations in need of a specific part of worship can pick and choose what they need.
Please click on the REGISTER button to see the download links.
The worship components include: Prelude Music, Morning Prayer, Words of Confession and Assurance, Special Music, Scripture Reading, Sermon, Offering, Prayers of the People, Communion, Benediction, and Postlude.
CLICK HERE to register for the worship files download.
CLICK HERE for technical questions or download issues.
Worship elements include:
Welcome and Introduction
Prelude Music
Morning Prayer
Words of Confession and Assurance
Special Music
Scripture Reading
Prayers of the People