Phillips Celebrates a Great 2019 General Assembly
Phillips Theological Seminary had an amazing General Assembly thanks to our friends and alums who turned out in record numbers to learn, welcome, and celebrate our work of theological formation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
More than 100 prospective students visited the Phillips booth in the exhibit hall and many of you took some time to relax on our comfy couches, eat some chocolate, and pick up a pronoun preference button.
Dr. Lisa Davison led Bible study each morning of GA. You can watch her presentations online.
President Nancy Claire Pittman preached to a standing-room-only congregation at West Des Moines Christian Church on Sunday and brought the scripture text to Tuesday evening worship.
Nearly 70 learners spent Friday and Saturday before General Assembly in Dr. Lisa Barnett’s class, Doing and Denying Justice: A History of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Social Justice. Participants received a treasure trove of printed and digital resources to take back to their churches and ministries.

It was wonderful to see so many friends celebrating President Pittman as the seminary’s new president. The dessert and bubbly were not as sweet as the great conversations heard throughout the ballroom.
At our luncheon on Tuesday (no chicken), we heard from President Pittman about using the phrase “theological formation” to describe what Phillips does. She challenged and invited each person at the event to be a part of this work.

At the end of the luncheon, the Rev. Anna Hubbard gathered the alums who identify as female to gather for a photo with the first female president of Phillips. It was an inspiring moment.