Programs of Study
Phillips Theological Seminary offers several options for your future in ministry. Choose one of the options below to learn more about our programs.
Degree Programs
Master of Divinity Degree (MDiv)
The 81 semester-hour Master of Divinity program is the basic graduate professional degree program in the seminary and is designed to provide a foundational academic preparation for an educated ministry. The MDiv program is designed to prepare leaders equipped to create, sustain and nurture vital communities that are following the way of Jesus.
Master of Arts in Ministry and Culture (MAMC)
The 48 semester-hour Master of Arts in Ministry and Culture (MAMC) and the 82 semester-hour Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree programs are both designed to equip persons to fulfill their vocations in providing faithful and effective forms of ministry in congregations and in the world. While the more extensive MDiv remains the degree required for ordination in most denominations, the MAMC degree, like the MDiv, requires Supervised Ministry and is designed to affirm and respond to the educational needs of persons interested.
Master of Social Justice Degree (MASJ)
The Master of Arts (Social Justice) degree program gives students an opportunity to reflect on social justice as a central concern of contemporary Christian theologies. This 38 credit hour program should interest many students, but in particular those who want to prepare for or continue to work within non-profit organizations that address justice issues in society, some of which are connected with churches or religious organizations; and those who have retired from professional life and are seeking ways to enhance their Sunday School education and to discover direction for a renewed sense of service and outreach to larger communities.
Master of Theological Studies (MTS)
The purpose of the 48 semester-hour Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree program is to develop broad theological understandings for general education purposes.
The MTS degree program has two distinct tracks; General Theological Studies, and Pre-doctoral Theological Studies.
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
Graduates of the 30 credit hour DMin hybrid program (online and on-campus) will be prepared to exercise advanced skills in church and society issues including abilities to:
- Articulate an understanding of social change as a function of pastoral leadership that is grounded in theological and biblical reflection and responsive to the history of Christianity particularly as it is reflected in student’s own denominational heritage;
- Identify and address cultural issues surrounding race, gender, economic and cultural globalization, and interfaith relations from a theological/biblical standpoint; and
- Develop strategies for community engagement and change around particular issues of common concern.
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
Phillips Theological Seminary partners with accreditated CPE Centers to offer Clinical Pastoral Education to degree-seeking students for academic credit. For more information about taking through your degree program contact Ulysses Allen, Director of Recruitment.
Non-Credit Programs
Center for Ministry and Lay Training - Certificate in Pastoral Ministry
As a Center for Ministry and Lay Training student, you’ll not only learn from our top-notch faculty, but you’ll also build a network of others engaged in ministry. This program is not designed for those who want to do ministry the way it’s always been done. If you want to make a difference in this changing world, we’ll help you push beyond your comfort zone.
Audit Program
Phillips Theological Seminary offers classes for no academic credit through an audit program. A limited number of auditors may be permitted in some courses, depending on course size and type.
Non-Degree Programs for Academic Credit
Special Student Status
Special Student status is granted to applicants in order to take classes for credit to transfer to another institution, to complete denominational requirements, to get a feel for seminary, or for personal enhancement.
Graduate Certificate Program
Phillips offers a for-credit, graded Graduate Certificate program for those who hold a baccalaureate degree. This program requires 15-16 semester hours of work. Upon completion of the required hours, students will receive a Phillips Theological Seminary Certificate. Please note that the Graduate Certificate program does not entail earning a degree. A student may pursue a Graduate Certificate independent of or in conjunction with one of the Master’s degrees offered by Phillips Theological Seminary. The Graduate Certificate can be completed 100% online and all hours are transferable into a degree program.
When choosing a seminary, many factors matter: community, affordability, faculty, and more. Visiting will allow you to see the value PTS offers in these areas. Enjoy the experience by visiting us today.