Financial Aid

Phillips Theological Seminary provides tuition assistance so that no deserving student is denied the opportunity to obtain a theological education because of the cost. Phillips provides financial assistance through:

  • seminary tuition assistance
  • scholarships and fellowships

Tuition & Fees

2024-2025 Academic Year
Tuition for Doctor of Ministry degree student, per semester hour: $480.00
Tuition for Masters degree student, per semester hour: $480.00
Tuition for Graduate Certificate program or Special Student, per semester hour: $140.00
Student life fee per semester for all credit-seeking students, including the Graduate Certificate program students, and Special Students $125.00
Audit per hour $40.00

Tuition Cost Estimator

Use our Tuition Cost Estimator form (Adobe Reader required) to aid in estimating tuition costs. You start the form by entering the hours per semester you anticipate taking. Clicking the Estimator link should open the tool in your browser window. Right-click to save the file to your device.

Tuition Assistance


Phillips provides tuition assistance to students who maintain satisfactory academic progress and are enrolled in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Ministry and Culture, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Social Justice), or Doctor of Ministry program.

Tuition assistance is distributed as follows:

  • DOC/UCC Students: 100%
  • Underrepresented Groups: 100%
  • All Other Students: 80%


Textbook Scholarships – Scholarships that cover the cost of textbooks are available to each Phillips student on a per-credit-hour basis.  No need to apply! For more information, contact the office of Admissions and Student Services at 918.270.6421.

Travel Grants – Phillips provides up to $1,500 annually, per student, in financial assistance for students traveling 100 miles or more round-trip to the Phillips campus.  For more information, contact the office of Admissions and Student Services at 918.270.6421.


Educational benefits are available to veterans. For more information, go to: Veterans Benefits.

As a graduate institution of higher education, Phillips Theological Seminary is authorized by the Department of Education to offer only Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loans to degree-seeking students. To be eligible, students must maintain at least 6.0 credit hours of enrollment status and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Phillips school code is 017239. For more information on federal direct unsubsidized student loans, go to: Federal Direct Loans. Compare us to other institutions on the College Navigator.


Phillips Seminary Scholars Program

Starting Fall 2025, Phillips will award Phillips Seminary Scholarships to eight incoming, masters-level students.  Awards include 100% tuition assistance, plus living stipend.  Awards include:

  • 2 awards for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) students
  • 1 award for Baptist students
  • 1 award for United Church of Christ students
  • 1 award for Methodist Students
  • 3 awards for any student applying to any masters-level program.

Applications will be available beginning December 1, 2024.

Matthew A. Thompson Fellowship for Student Leaders @ 100% Full Tuition (up to 24 hours)

The Matthew A. Thompson Fellowship for Student Leaders requires the completion of an application, including a written essay and two references.  One qualified student will receive the award, which will cover 100% full tuition, fees, a book stipend and a living stipend.  Application is made in the spring.  One fellowship is available per year.  Criteria required:

  • Currently enrolled full-time in a master’s degree
  • Good academic standing at Phillips, which means maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher
  • Essay Components: Reflects upon the student’s [1] understanding of leadership and [2] quality of leadership offered in the Phillips Theological Seminary community
  • Reference Components: [1] a fellow Phillips student and [2] a Phillips faculty member
  • The FAO will email the Application & Reference forms to students by Mar 15; submission deadline is April 15


Robert T. and Harriet M. Peake Endowed Scholarship @ 100% Full Tuition (up to 24 hours)

The Robert T. and Harriet M. Peake Endowed Scholarship requires the completion of an application, including a written essay and two references.  One qualified DOC student will receive the award, which will cover 100% full tuition, fees, and a book stipend.  Application is made in the spring.  One scholarship is available per year.  Criteria required:

  • Affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
  • Currently enrolled full-time in a master’s degree program
  • Good academic standing at Phillips, which means maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher
  • Essay Components: Demonstrated qualities of [1] leadership, [2] devotion to Christ, [3] outreach involvement, and [4] intellect without ego
  • Reference Components: [1] a leader in the student’s church/ministry setting and [2] a Phillips faculty member
  • The FAO will email the Application & Reference forms to students by Mar 15; submission deadline is April 15.


FCC Tulsa Fellowship I:  MDIV, Ministerial Leadership

This Fellowship for a ministerial leader requires the completion of an application, including a written essay and two references.  One qualified student will receive the award, which will cover 100% tuition (18 total hours/9 per semester), fees, a book stipend, and a living stipend.  Application is made in the spring.  Criteria required:

  • A currently enrolled MDIV student
  • Good academic standing, which means maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher
  • Essay Components: Reflects upon [1] understanding of leadership and [2] description of how the student currently demonstrates ministerial leadership in their current context
  • Reference Components: [1] ministerial mentor or colleague and [2] a parishioner


FCC Tulsa Fellowship II:  DMIN, Ministerial Leadership

This Fellowship for a ministerial leader requires the completion of an application, including a written essay and two references.  One qualified student will receive the award, which will cover 100% tuition (12 total doctoral hours during the academic year), fees, a book stipend and a living stipend.  Application is made in the spring.  Criteria required:

  • A currently enrolled DMIN student
  • Good academic standing, which means maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Essay Components: Reflects upon [1] understanding of leadership and [2] description of how the student currently demonstrates ministerial leadership in their current context
  • Reference Components: [1] ministerial mentor or colleague and [2] a parishioner


FCC Tulsa Fellowship III:  DMIN, Academic Excellence

This Fellowship for academic excellence requires the completion of an application, including a written essay and two references.  One qualified student will receive the award, which will cover 100% tuition (12 total doctoral hours during the academic year), fees, a book stipend and a living stipend.  Application is made in the spring.  Criteria required:

  • A currently enrolled DMIN student
  • A minimum cumulative program GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Essay Components: Reflects upon [1] the student’s own academic performance and [2] demonstrations of their intellect
  • Reference Components: [1] a Phillip faculty member [2] a fellow Phillips DMIN student


Outside Scholarships – Resource list with links to multiple outside scholarships.

For questions regarding financial aid, please contact Todd Mantock.

When choosing a seminary, many factors matter: community, affordability, faculty, and more. Visiting will allow you to see the value PTS offers in these areas. Enjoy the experience by visiting us today.