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Ghosted Portraits Art Exhibition by Trace Logan
Phillips Theological Seminary 901 N. Mingo Rd., TulsaGhosted Portraits: The Invisible Narratives of Self Open to the public Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The President's Office of Phillips Theological Seminary is pleased to announce […]
First Day of Fall Semester
Phillips Theological Seminary 901 N. Mingo Rd., TulsaLibrary Hours
The Phillips Library serves an extensive community of library users. While the primary community includes students, faculty, and staff of the seminary, we are proud to include our alumni, retired, […]
Monday Night Hangout
Monthly Student Online Gathering August 28, 2023 - Semester Kick-Off with Interim Dean Davison and Student Services Hangout Zoom Link: (see the weekly UPDATE email for passcode)