Phillips Alumni/ae



Welcome to the Phillips Theological Alumni/ae Association!

 My name is Tara Thompson, Phillips Class of 2010, and I’m thrilled to be serving as the Director for Alumni/ae Community. For the past 20 years I have served congregations in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas in various pastoral roles.  My time as a student here at Phillips, were some of the most informative years in not only my ministry, but in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to get reacquainted with alumni/ae, meet other alumni/ae and students; and to help build a bridge between alumni/ae and Phillips. I hope to connect with you while I’m out on the road, or at various events here at Phillips, to hear how we can walk alongside you in your various ministries. You are welcome to send your thoughts to me regarding your hopes as an Alumni/ae to my email: This is such an exciting time within the life of the Seminary as we go where faith leads us into the future, and I am grateful to be on this journey with each of you.

Again, Welcome!

Tara L. Thompson, MDiv (2010)

The Phillips Theological Seminary Alumni/ae Association exists to promote understanding of, pride in and support for our alma mater and its identity and mission:

Identity statement: Phillips Theological Seminary offers theological education dedicated to learning the way of Jesus in order to cultivate vital congregations, communities, conversations, and the public good.

Mission statement: The seminary’s mission is to learn and teach how to be: attentive to God; responsible biblical and theological interpreters; faithful individuals, congregations, and communities acting with God to transform the world.


Update Your Information

It is important to us to keep in touch with you, our Alumni/ae. You can update your information such as address, phone number, email, ordination date, and ministry setting. Help us keep you informed of everything happening at Phillips Seminary by updating your information.

Ways of Connection

  • Affinity Groups: Choose a group that fits you. You will find groups for your region, graduation year, ministry setting, identity, and interests. Currently we have the following affinity groups available with plans to continue to grow the list:
    • New Alumni/ae Group: If you are a new alumni/ae this is a great place to connect with those with whom you recently graduated.
    • Chaplain Group: COMING SOON! A monthly alumni/nae Chaplain Group was started to provide peer support, educational support, and occasional guest speakers.
  • Mighty Networks: The Mighty Networks is the new platform that Phillips is using to connect with alumni/ae and to connect alumni/ae with each other. We are excited to use this platform for affinity groups, webinars, and educational opportunities. Join Phillips Seminary Connect (
  • Chapel: You can connect to our chapels on our YouTube channel, Phillips Seminary. You may join us live or watch chapel after the live event. You will find other videos from events on the YouTube channel.
  • Phillips Communities: COMING SOON! Phillips Communities will be a group in some geographic areas that will bring together students and alumni to connect and support each other. The Phillips Communities will get together once or twice a year for dinner, happy hour or similar event. There will be an alumni coordinator in each area. If you are interested in being a coordinator in your area, please contact Malisa Pierce to get more information.
  • Eblast: A monthly email from the Advancement office sharing exciting happenings around Phillips!
  • Facebook: Alumni/ae are invited to connect with us on our  Official Alumni/ae Facebook Page.

Ways of Learning

  • Center for Ministry and Lay Training: CMLT provides year-round educational opportunities for you and your congregants. CMLT is a great place to provide extra training for the leaders in your church and to supplement your own education at a low cost. Each class occurs on-line for 8 weeks. Click Here to see current available classes, learn more about CMLT, and register for a class.
  • Center for Religion and Public Life: CRPL provides a podcast, blog and other resources to the public. To learn more about the programs, activities, and learning opportunities provided by the CRPL click here.
  • Audit: Every semester particular classes are designated as available to auditors. This is a great way to keep up with new theories and practices of ministry without entering a degree program.
  • Remind & Renew: Each winter Phillips hosts Remind & Renew, a two-day conference for alumni/ae, laity, and ministers. For more information about Remind & Renew and the upcoming conference theme, click here.
  • Library Usage: All Phillips graduates are automatically given alumni/ae status with the library. Alumni/ae retain all prior privileges when on campus. Remote privileges vary by license agreements with our vendors. Learn about more library privileges available to alumni/ae here. You may also access all of your benefits on the library website.
  • Other educational opportunities to look for:
    • Webinars
    • Clergy Circles

Ways of Giving

  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Phillips Encouragement Program (PEP): COMING SOON! PEP is an encouragement program pairing alumni/ae with students to encourage them through their Phillips career. At a minimum, the alumni/ae are expected to send encouraging notes (mail or email) to the student each semester and pray for them as they prepare for them. How the encouragement relationship grows will depend on the needs of the student as long as the interaction stays within the boundaries of the program protocols. If you would like to be a PEP volunteer, please contact Tara Thompson.
    • Recruiting: We are all recruiters for Phillips. As an alumni/ae, you are one of the most important recruiters because the majority of students are referred to Phillips by an alumni/ae. If you would like information about referring potential students to Phillips or have questions for the Phillips recruiter, contact Ulysses Allen.
  • Give a Gift to Phillips: You may give a gift by mail or online. You may visit the “Ways to Give” page of the Advancement section on the website to learn more about supporting Phillips through your monetary gifts.
  • iFundPhillips: iFP is the annual fall campaign to connect with our alumni/ae and raise funds to support student services. More information is available on the iFundPhillips page on the Phillips web-site.
  • Sustaining Donor Club: As an alumni/ae, monthly giving is a great way to support your alma mater. The monthly giving program, Sustaining Donor Club, allows Phillips to budget and count on a gift each month that will help support the students, innovation, and the monthly needs of the seminary. To become a Sustaining Donor, contact Tammy Ryan.
  • Emerging Vision: Phillips Theological Seminary is creating a new “place of belonging” called Bedford House on our Tulsa, Okla. campus near historic Route 66 to support students, wherever they may reside, as they build the kind of relationships and have the conversations that form good ministers and theological leaders. To learn more about Bedford House and the Emerging Vision, click here.

Ways of Outreach

  • Current Assemblies Attending: Phillips wants to meet you at your assembly! Look for opportunities to connect with other Phillips alumni/ae, staff, and/or faculty at the DOC, UCC, UU, and other assemblies.
  • Mighty Networks: Join other alumni/ae on our new networking site. The site contains affinity groups, educational opportunities, and is a great way to stay up to date with activities at Phillips. Phillips Seminary Connect (
  • Update Form: We want to stay in touch with you and your ministry. Please complete this form if you have an address, phone or ministry setting change.
  • Sign up for the monthly ENews: If you do not currently receive the monthly ENews from Phillips, please send your name and email address to with ENEWS in the subject line or complete the form at the bottom of the Alumni/ae page.
  • Tell us your story: We want to stay in touch but also want to know your story. Do you have an interesting ministry story to tell or a life changing seminary experience to share? Submit your story here.

Ways of Leadership

  • The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association has responsibility for the affairs of the Association and assisting the Association to fulfill its purpose.
  • List of Board Members
    • The Rev. Kay Korpics (2018), President
    • The Rev. Anna Hubbard (2014), Vice President
    • The Rev. Dr. Josh Bell (2017, 2018, 2024)
    • The Rev. Andrea Clark Chambers (2010)
    • The Rev. Kara Farrow (2018)
    • The Rev. Paul Ellis Jackson (2017)
    • The Rev. Travis Smith McKee (2014)
    • The Rev. Dr. Nancy Niero (2023)
    • The Rev. Brandon Proffitt (2022)
    • Linda Tucker (2019)
    • The Rev. Darren Williams (2019)

The Rev. Chris Moore


Chaplain Faith M. Wambugu

Frank H. Marshall Award for Ministerial Excellence

The Marshall Award recognizes graduates of Phillips Theological Seminary, Phillips Graduate Seminary, The Graduate Seminary of Phillips University, or the College of the Bible whose service to God, the Church and the human Community has been faithful and exemplary.

The Alumni/ae Association is currently in the process of accepting applications for Marshall Award nominees. Please complete the nomination form if you would like to nominate a Phillips Alumni/ae for the distinguished award. You may request a nominations form from Tammy Ryan.

Distinguished Alumni/ae Award

(2001 – 2008)


January-01              Jack Allen Oliver

January-02              Spencer Austin                  Stanley Warfield

January-03              Jerry Perryman                  Paul Ehly

January-04              John Henry Cain                Marvin Nelson

January-05              Robert Elliott                      George Young

July-05                    Sharon Watkins

January-06              Robert Gartman                 Robin Meyers

July-06                    Gary Cox

January-07              David Wilson                     Orval Holt

January-08              Honored all previous alumni/ae for Centennial


Frank H. Marshall Award for Ministerial Excellence

(2009 – Present)


January-09              O. Eugene Moore              Alan Lobaugh

January-10              Leslie Penrose                  Eugene Frazier

January-11              Ron Nofziger                     Bill Reece

January-13              Phil Snider                        Archie Lawrence

January-14              Todd Adams                     Jesse Jackson

January-15              Skipped Nominations for lack of nominees

January-16              Sheri Curry

January-17              Melinda Foster                  John Wolfersberger

January-18              Mike Hardgrove

January-19              David Hockensmith            Paul Krueger

January-20              Gene Spillman, Jr.             Myrna Jones

January-21              Bill Inglish                          Maribeth Westerfield

January 22              Don Pittman, Honorary Posthumous

January 24              Bob Barrett                      Noel Gray

2025 Frank H. Marshall Award Recipients

The Reverend Chris Moore

Rev. Chris Moore has a B.A. in English from the University of Oregon, an MDiv from Phillips Theological Seminary and is currently working on his Doctorate of Ministry, also from Phillips.  He was ordained in 2009 in the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference of the United Church of Christ. He has served as the founding pastor at First Congregational UCC in Norman, OK, associate pastor at Mayflower Congregational UCC in Oklahoma City, and, for the past 11 years, lead pastor at Fellowship Congregational UCC in Tulsa. 


Chris currently serves as the board chair of Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry, an 86-year-old interfaith institution in Tulsa, a member of the Mayor’s Police and Community Coalition, and a volunteer for Reading Partners in Tulsa Public Schools. 


Chris has been married for 25 years to Kathy, a speech pathologist working with trauma patients, and they have two children, Ian, 22, a senior in Theatre at Wichita State University, and Alec, 20, a junior in Technical Theatre Design, also at Wichita State. 

Chaplain Faith M. Wambugu

Chaplain Faith Wambugu’s undergraduate education is from East Africa School of Theology, EAST University, Kenya, with a master’s degree in ministry and culture, and she is currently pursuing a doctorate in Pastoral leadership in improvisational Ministry at Phillips Theological Seminary. She is a Board-Certified Chaplain (BCC) at Ascension St John Medical Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Certified by the Association of Professional Chaplaincy (APC). She trained in Clinical Pastoral Education at Phillips Theological Seminary, Oklahoma University Medical, and Hillcrest Medical Center, OK 2018-2022. She founded Beulah Mission Center (BMC) in 2004 in Kenya and BMC Foundation of Oklahoma in 2010 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which serves locally and internationally. In 2009, Faith and her husband, Rev. Wambugu, founded Tulsa International Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church Tulsa and PCEA JOY FAMILY CHURCH in DFW, Texas, in 2022. She is a member of the board of trustees for the International Literacy Evangelism, Tulsa and is actively involved in the Tulsa International Women’s ministry.


Faith is an endorsed commissioned pastor by the Northeastern Oklahoma Presbytery, PCUSA. She and her husband, Rev. Wambugu, are blessed parents of a grown daughter and son. She delights in her children’s growth, careers, and service with the people of God. Faith prides herself on hobbies such as sewing, gardening, cooking, and family time. She is an author and songwriter who sings and preaches sometimes. Her highlight is the one-on-one ministry-chaplaincy.

Tell Us Your Story

The Alumni/ae Office wants to know about your ministry journey. Do you have a unique journey to share? Let us know what your ministry journey has been like. You can share it here.

Contact Us


ENews Signup
