Academic Complaints

A complaint may include any class-related concerns, problems, or disputes with a faculty member or
student. The Seminary’s Office of Academic Affairs shall investigate every complaint brought by a
student or faculty member.
It is best if the complainant brings forward the complaint in a timely manner in order that it can be dealt
with expeditiously and in accordance with Seminary policies. As soon as is practical after experiencing or
learning of the precipitating event, the complainant should bring the complaint to the Vice President of
Academic Affairs and Academic Dean who will investigate and address the complaint.
After investigation, a resolution will be offered. The complainant may accept the resolution or appeal
the resolution to the President. If the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean is the
subject of the complaint, the complainant should bring the complaint to the President. In the event a
complaint is against the President, the complaint shall be lodged with the Chair of the Board of Trustees
and the Chair of the Board’s Audit Committee. Either the two Board Officers or the Executive Committee
shall deliberate regarding the complaint.
Please note: a written statement of the complaint is always more helpful in the investigatory process. It
should include documentary evidence to support the complaint and be directed to

Student Complaint Concerning Grade

Appealing Results from a Complaint

NC-SARA and Distance Learning

Sexual Harassment Policy (Title IX)

ADA Grievance Procedure