Our Culture and Commitments

Phillips Theological Seminary is:

  • A graduate school that is open to clergy candidates, laity, and seekers with questions;
  • A knowledgeable, progressive faculty;
  • A diverse ecumenical community, affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ);
  • A place to explore what “the way of Jesus” means that is distinct in this part of the U.S;
  • Leaven in our geographical and social contexts, offering leadership education for biblically and theologically responsible, compassionate, justice-oriented Christian practice;
  • An educator of ministers serving in more than 20 denominations as chaplains, congregational leaders, justice advocates, ministry entrepreneurs, counselors, and more;
  • Home to an outstanding, hospitable library;
  • A series of vital conversations in which participants are often transformed.

All right here in America’s heartland.

Identity statement:

Phillips Theological Seminary offers theological education dedicated to learning the way of Jesus in order to cultivate vital congregations, communities, conversations, and the public good.

Mission statement:

The seminary’s mission is to learn and teach how to be: attentive to God; responsible biblical and theological interpreters; faithful individuals, congregations, and communities acting with God to transform the world.

Engaged Diversity

Board of Trustees Commitment to Engaged Diversity

The Board of Trustees of Phillips Theological Seminary believes that the Reign of God as announced by Jesus Christ is open to all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, age, physical ability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic class. This theological belief is the basis of the seminary’s non-discrimination statement, and it is also the basis for the seminary’s efforts to embrace and engage diverse persons in service of the mission of God, and specifically in service of the mission entrusted to this seminary. The Board of Trustees is committed to recruiting, educating, and engaging trustees, faculty, staff, and students with the range and depth of gifts, skills, and perspectives to move Phillips to become more of the community God calls the seminary to be. To this end, the Board will actively recruit a pool of candidates that reflects the diversity necessary for the ongoing work of the seminary, as well as to resource new strategic directions the Board may choose.

Seminary’s Non-Discrimination Statement

Phillips Theological Seminary accords equal rights and privileges to all members of the Seminary community. In the administration of its policies and procedures related to admissions, financial aid, academic programs, and hiring, the Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Seminary’s Commitment to Disability Access

Phillips Theological Seminary is committed to providing equal access to its programs of graduate professional education for all qualified students with learning, physical, medical, or psychological disabilities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Accordingly, the seminary aims to provide reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with a disability to ensure their access and participation in Seminary programs.

For more information on Disability, please see Academic Resources/Disability

Seminary’s Commitment to Supplier Diversity

Phillips Theological Seminary is committed to developing mutually beneficial relationships with small, minority-owned, women-owned, diversity based, disability-owned, disadvantaged, veteran owned and local business enterprises. The Supplier Diversity Policy is the seminary’s initiative to create opportunity for suppliers to market their products to the seminary and to encourage Phillips Theological Seminary to offer opportunities to such suppliers.

Code of Conduct

Welcome to Phillips Theological Seminary. Whether you are using the library or attending an educational program, the Seminary is committed to providing a learning space for all participants, and we need your cooperation in doing so.

Phillips is first and foremost an educational institution; creating and maintaining an environment conducive to learning is essential. A harassment free environment allows each Seminary guest to learn without fear of being accosted for who they are.

The Seminary has taken care to write policies to frame spaces for harassment-free learning. See the anti-discrimination statements, the trustees’ statement on Engaged Diversity, inclusive language, Title IX/Sexual Harassment Prevention, and ADA. The seminary is a member of the Disciples Alliance Q, which advocates for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in the life of the church. In addition, the Seminary is seeking to build a deeper capacity to communicate across cultures through utilizing the Intercultural Development Inventory.

A harassment-free space is achieved when guests treat others with respect and refrain from inappropriate speech, touch, or actions that ignore, dismiss, demean, or denigrate the equal and full humanity of another.

Guests should expect harassment-free treatment from Phillips employees and students.

Seminary guests should seek to be aware not only of their intent in interacting with others but also of the impact/reception of their actions.

In your interactions with others (whether other guests, students, or employees), please understand yourself to be in a public, professional context rather than a personal space, and keep your comments and actions appropriate for that public, professional space within the framework created by the Seminary’s policies.

If you judge that you have been on the receiving end of an inappropriate action, please deal with the situation by addressing the action personally, by bringing the situation to the attention of Seminary personnel (starting with the event organizer, during a program), or both.

The Seminary employee in charge of the event or the space (e.g., the library) is authorized to address situations. Actions may range from speaking to or admonishing the offending party, to dismissal from the event (without refund), to a prohibition from using the library or attending programs at the Seminary.

If a guest makes a complaint about an employee or a student, that complaint will be investigated according to the policies in the Employee or the Student Handbook.

A printable version of this policy is available here.