Our Culture and Commitments
Phillips Theological Seminary is:
- A graduate school that is open to clergy candidates, laity, and seekers with questions;
- A knowledgeable, progressive faculty;
- A diverse ecumenical community, affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ);
- A place to explore what “the way of Jesus” means that is distinct in this part of the U.S;
- Leaven in our geographical and social contexts, offering leadership education for biblically and theologically responsible, compassionate, justice-oriented Christian practice;
- An educator of ministers serving in more than 20 denominations as chaplains, congregational leaders, justice advocates, ministry entrepreneurs, counselors, and more;
- Home to an outstanding, hospitable library;
- A series of vital conversations in which participants are often transformed.
All right here in America’s heartland.
Identity statement:
Phillips Theological Seminary offers theological education dedicated to learning the way of Jesus in order to cultivate vital congregations, communities, conversations, and the public good.
Mission statement:
The seminary’s mission is to learn and teach how to be: attentive to God; responsible biblical and theological interpreters; faithful individuals, congregations, and communities acting with God to transform the world.